Naive, romantic, sentimental:
On the occasion of the staging of “Romance” the writer Ivan Radoslavov addressed to Mrs. Raina Petrova, who plays the central role, the following letter, published in the newspaper “South”, issue. 3243 of October 24, 1929:
Every art aims to introduce us to its peace of Beauty, through which only the Ideal of our moral power is realized. And in a book, in front of a canvas, to the sounds of a symphony that reveals the secrets of an unsuspected and enchanted life, we admire the genius of the artist who created it.
In your play in “Romance” you remind us that the actor’s work is also a great art and that the theater should go first and foremost for him. Here you have happily achieved a true artistic realization of a poetic dream through a deep inner experience, with a true measure of gesture and a creative insight. Your Cavalini is an image that may be different from the one someone else would create, but it is yours, only yours, one that we would not tire of contemplating. You have succeeded in embodying the innermost thought of the one who, with inimitable mastery of the word, has revealed to us an extraordinary and supreme tragedy, by forcing us to experience and suffer it together with you.
For the great pleasure of all this I cannot bear the temptation to publicly express my feelings to an admiring and grateful spectator to you and your colleagues, first of all to Mr. Michal Tanev and K. Popov, who contributed with noble efforts to achieve a rare ensemble.
Plovdiv, October 15, 1929, Iv. Radoslavov ”